posture analysis pilates

Posture Analysis

A posture analysis is very important when creating a beneficial exercise routine. We all have different body types, on top of specific individual issues. A postural analysis helps the instructor understand what areas need to be worked and which areas need to be stretched. If you have tight hip flexors, it makes sense to stretch them rather than working that muscle group, which would result in further tightness and discomfort.

Who can carry out a Posture Analysis?

Usually osteopaths, physiotherapists and Pilates instructors that have undergone specific training to carry out Posture Analysis. Not all Pilates instructors are qualified or have the knowledge to do so.

What is a Correct Posture?

Posture is the position in which someone holds their body when standing, sitting or lying down. The body functions at its best when it is in correct posture. When the body is in correct postural alignment, it moves and distributes weight evenly and appropriately allowing the muscles, joints and spine to work together to help us move effortlessly. If something is out of alignment, then injury and pain can occur.

What is Posture Analysis?

Posture analysis looks at your static posture to see if there are any imbalances that could cause or are causing pain and discomfort. Our postural assessments include tactile tests that check how well your muscles and joints are working together and if there are any imbalances to be corrected. We investigate how your body is moving and functioning. We look for abnormalities and compensations that may have occurred, and we aim to discover and treat the underlying causes with appropriately targeted exercises.

How is the assessment carried out?

During an assessment we look at the overall alignment of the whole body from different angles. We will test ranges of movement and identify any areas of weakness and stiffness. By assessing movement and posture we are able to evaluate and address the corrections needed through simple lifestyle changes, stretching and strengthening exercises. Treatment plans are bespoke and will vary depending on the results of the assessment. We will tailor make an exercise plan for you based on the findings during the session. These will be discussed thoroughly with you.

Benefits of postural and biomechanical analysis

  •  muscle lengthening and increased flexibility
  • keeping bones and joints in the correct postural alignment (to support the muscles)
  • a decrease the amount of infrequent wearing of joint surfaces (too much of this could result in arthritis)
  • avoids the spine from becoming locked into an irregular position
  • preventing strain and overuse of muscles
  • preventing backache and other muscular pain
  • improving proprioception/balance and weight transference
  • helps strengthen core stability and muscle balance around the pelvis
  • aim to introduce correct posture so that body can work in balance and be discomfort free

Who benefits from a postural analysis?

Everyone. You can benefit from a postural assessment by learning how your body has adapted to your lifestyle. We all build bad habits over time – even if we try not to. For example, through sitting at a desk all day, holding babies on your hip or not stretching before and after exercise, we all build weakness and alterations in our posture. An assessment will show these and give you an awareness of how to change them. Those who have recurring pain or are under-performing will particularly benefit from having a postural assessment. Awareness is the first step to understanding and correcting any underlying issues.

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